5 Fargo Worthy Side-Hustles for the Summer Season

What’s Crackin’,

This is the Midwest Invest Report. The newsletter that thinks Fargo real estate is as cool as the underside of your pillow.

Here’s the Rundown for today:

📕 Read: 5 Fargo Worthy Side-Hustles for the Summer Season

🎧 Listen: Episode 013- Using Days On Market (DOM) To Find Deals

1. Window Washing

It’s windy where we live gang. And with all these new construction neighborhoods with dirt yards, why not turn those dirty windy days into dolla-dolla bills. 💸

The Steps:

  • Get your tools: Amazon has some great window washing kits

  • Learn the Technique: 30 minutes on Youtube university and you’ll be a pro in no time

  • Start marketing: Using social media platforms for visual, labor-intensive businesses like this is ultra-effective.

2. Picking Up Poop

Have you seen some of the yard around town after the snow melts!? YUCK! Supply and demand my friends. You’d be baffled at how much people will pay for a clean yard in the spring….and also how quick and easy it is to just pick up doggy-duty.

The Steps:

  • Define your Services: Are you doing 1 time cleanings or could you sell a subscription?

  • Marketing: Buy some door hangers and target specific neighborhoods, word of mouth will be huge.

  • The Dump: You need to have a plan for where to take all this poo.

  • Leverage: No qualifications needed to pick up poop. Who’s to say you could start a crew and do entire neighborhoods in a day!?

3. Driveway Car Washing

Yesterday I had a young man approach me with a simple flyer: I’ll come and wash + vacuum your car in your driveway this weekend for $50. Could I go do this myself for cheaper? Yes. Do I want to….🤔 

The Steps:

  • Make your Map: You’re not going to want to drive all over town to do this. Map out some affluent neighborhoods near you.

  • Supplies: Suds and buckets are simple, getting a quality shop-vac might be your main investment

  • Sales Skills: You’re going to see your opportunity for this one, dirty car in the garage or driveway is your cue.

4. Junk Removal

Being in real estate, it’s amazing to me how often I get the request for “someone to come get rid of all this stuff”. This is an easy business to start and could grow into something substantial.

The Steps:

  • Your Audience: Finding your client will be harder than find your connectors. Meet with construction business owners, realtors, and property management companies. They will be the ones that keep you busy.

  • Professional Website: Making a simple landing page and doing some paid ads could get easy clicks

  • Gorilla Marketing: Yard signs and before/after pictures are huge for businesses like this. Always be marketing.

  • Hire Help: It’s not uncommon for someone to pay $1000 to get rid of a house full of junk. Many hands make light work.

5. Pickleball Lessons

Why not turn America’s fastest-growing sport into your personal goldmine? Sharpen those skills, get certified, and before you know it, you’ll be coaching your way to the bank. Remember, every great player needs an even greater coach.​

The steps:

  • Get Certified: Begin by getting certified through a reputable pickleball organization to gain credibility.

  • Get involved: Join your local Pickleball FB community and add value, tips, and tricks

  • Develop Training Plans: Create personalized training plans for different skill levels to offer tailored coaching experiences.

  • Start Marketing: Utilize social media, local sports clubs, and community boards to advertise your coaching services.

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