The 90 Day House Challenge

Howdy Partner,

This is the Midwest Invest Report. The Newsletter that will teach you about the real estate market you live in: Fargo/Moorhead/West Fargo.

Here’s the Rundown for today:

📕 Read: Take the 90 day House Challenge on YOUR home.

🎧 Listen: 6 Tips to Improve Your House Hack Cashflow

Take the 90 Day House Challenge on YOUR home. 👍

Do you always take care of your home the way you should!? 🤔

If you’re like me, I’m definitely not going over my home checklist each quarter.

ENTER: The 90 day House Challenge.  

Over the next 90 days, the Midwest Invest Report challenges you to take the following actions on your house to ensure it’s in tip-top shape going into another year. 👌👌


  • Spray your shower down - It’s been a while.

  • PRO TIP: Use your bathroom fan…get rid of that moisture.

  • Inspect for leaks - Base of Toilet and under Sink most common.


  • Clean your Oven - Low heat + cleaning spray = magic

  • Change your Fridge water filter - It’s time.

  • Clean Behind Over/Fridge - Is something growing back there?


  • Service your Furnace - They’ll finally change your filter.

  • Get Ductwork Cleaned - Air quality matters.

  • Service AC unit - These need a recharge every now and then.

  • Test your Sump Pump - Pour in a gallon of water + Soap.


  • Fertilize your Lawn - Healthy lawns help curb appeal.

  • Clean those Gutters - Don’t let water and dirt build up.

  • Lower your Gutter Extensions - Keep that water away.

  • Get on the Roof - Check for damage, BE CAREFUL.


  • Test all your smoke/CO detectors - It’s for your safety.


This is just a starter list for you to tackle in 90 days.

Can you do it!?

ADVICE: Stop right now and some or all of these items into your calendar over the coming months.

Most of these take less than 5 mins to complete. 😎

🚨🚨 Interested in your home value in 2024? 🚨🚨

Today’s Newsletter is brought to you by Nick Deraney with True North Media

Nick solves problems and tells stories using the power of videography. From Drone photos to event coverage, Nick has multiple services that can help you better show your brand thru video production.

Connect with Nick at

Below are a few links from his projects:

The Midwest Invest Report LIVE 🎙

🗞 Things we like….

If furnishing an Airbnb…

Check out this article on Prime Day deals that might be able to help you. TOP picks for prime day deals.

If you’re into Business Pods…

Top Ten Lessons of Empire Building was a recent listen. It was A++ and have my pen scribbling notes the whole way.

If you like learning about money… 💲🤑💸

Another newsletter and pod we love to follow is the Master Money Newsletter by Andrew Giancola. Check out his recent newsletter on Paying off Debt.



We get this question all the time, “What’s a project I can do to my property to improve the value?” So, we want to ask you….

What’s the best improvement you can make to your property to increase value?


What To Do Next ✔

  1. If you got value from this, pass it along to a like-minded friend!

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  3. Want to sponsor this newsletter and reach thousands of people in the FM Area? Reply to this email.

  4. If you are ready for a 1-on-1 gameplan session with Kyle & team, schedule your spot here!